Northwest Mosquito
and Vector Control Association




Michael McKeague-Foster

Michael McKeague-Foster

Hello, my name is Michael McKeague-Foster and I have been Program Manager at Cowlitz County Mosquito Control District in Kelso, Washington where I’ve been since March of 2021.

I started as a seasonal in the summer of 2008 at Cowlitz County Vector Control District in Columbia County, Oregon. I accepted a full-time position in that county in the winter of 2014. I was then promoted to field supervisor in the summer of 2016 and remained in that position until I accepted employment in Cowlitz County.

 My district encompasses an area of 1100 square miles, the majority of which is forest land. I direct our mosquito control operations mostly in the population centers along the Columbia River and the I-5 freeway that runs through the county.

In my spare time I enjoy finding interesting places to eat at with my partner, going to concerts, playing cards, and improving my home.

President Elect

Nikki Harris

Nikki Harris

After graduating from the University of Oregon in 2014,I began working with Vector Disease Control as a seasonal in Bandon, OR.  I also worked with the local health district there part time don't trapping and testing. I then was offered the opportunity to take over the Payette County contract with VDCI and moved back to Idaho.  Mosquito Control definitely is never something you plan on for a career, but it has become a passion of mine.  In my free time I enjoy spending time with my kids,  fishing, camping and going to Boise State basketball and football games.

Vice President

Shaun Calver

Shaun Calver

Past President

David Boggs

David Boggs

As a Florida born, but now a Pacific Northwest loving individual, my path towards mosquito control didn’t follow what could be considered a traditional road. After graduating from The University of Montana (98) with my BS in Finance (I know funny right), I was recruited right out of college to run the large group risk management division for a consulting group. In 2002, I branched off and started my own consulting firm working with companies on mitigating risk in a litigious environment. I owned and operated this firm for eight years, at which time I sold the firm. In the spring of 2009, I was approached by the Principal Attorney for an environmental remediation defense law firm to be their Business Manager. I worked in this roll until the spring of 2012 at which time my father approached me to discuss his exit strategy with Clarke. Since the fall of 2012 I have been with Clarke working in the Pacific Northwest and have truly enjoyed building the many relationships with all of you and I look forward to what lies ahead of us in the future.

I am a family man and I love the outdoors and all that it provides us. My wife (Heidi) and I have been married for 22 years and if I’m not out visiting one of you at your office, there is a good chance I am out in the woods somewhere enjoying what gifts it provides. Between camping and hiking in the summer months, to hunting in the fall, or snowmobiling and snowshoeing in the winter, I truly do love the outdoors.

Executive Director

Kelly Beehler

Kelly Beehler

NWMVCA Biography Kelly Beehler

I began my mosquito control career as a seasonal employee at West Umatilla Vector Control in 1998. In 1999, I was hired to work one season with Multnomah County Vector Control. After the season was over, I decided to pursue a college degree studying Business Administration and Public Health at Oregon State University. During my next three summers I worked as a seasonal for West Umatilla with increasing responsibilities each year. In 2003, I came across a great opportunity to manage a program in eastern Oregon at Union County Vector Control. I quickly found out that running a mosquito control program was very exciting, both in positive and unfortunately some negative ways. I spent twelve seasons at Union County before another opportunity presented itself, and I found my way to Yakima, Washington to run their mosquito control program where I’ve been for the past five years.

As others have stated, and I’m sure it’s true for a lot of people in the Northwest, I enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, hunting and fishing. I love spending time with my high energy boys; ages 8 and 10.


Chris Law

Chris Law

Industry Representative

Nate Hill

Nate Hill

Life’s path as a unique way of taking us on a journey that growing up, I never would have envisioned. I graduated from Utah State University (USU #Go Aggies!) with a dual degree in Ag-business/Business and shortly thereafter obtained my MBA in International Ag-business through an international program provided through USU and the Royal Ag College in England. Surely, I would pursue a career in an ag industry, right?! Straight out of college I took a sales position in the PCO market in Las Vegas, moved to Idaho one year later in the Spring of 2006, where due to the record-breaking number of West Nile Virus cases, I found myself waste deep in mosquito control as a product distributor, and joined the Northwest Mosquito and Vector Control Association that fall. I’ve since been a distributor rep throughout the western US, and now am proud be a part of the Valent Bio-Sciences family and team as a technical sales rep in the northwest and central states. I appreciate the multitude of memories and many friendships I have been blessed with over the years through the NWMVCA and admire the level of professionalism, knowledge, and expertise that exists amongst our members.

At home, I enjoy spending time outdoors with my family and friends; skiing in the winter, hunting and fishing in the fall, and time spent horseback year-round.


Doug Shinn

Doug Shinn

State and Provincial Representatives

American Mosquito Control Association

Angela Beehler

Angela Beehler

While not an actual State nor Provincial Representative of the NWMVCA, the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) is an important part of our Association.  The AMCA is dedicated to providing leadership, information and education leading to the enhancement of public health and quality of life through the suppression of mosquitoes.  The NWMVCA plays a role is that mission statement and the success of the AMCA means increased success for the NWMVCA and its members.  

The Director for the AMCA's North Pacific Region is Angela Beehler.  If you should have AMCA related questions or comments, please contact her at Angela Beehler.







British Columbia

Cheryl Phippen

Cheryl Phippen

As I always tell the students on outreach days…”no one ever says that the want to be a Mosquito Biologist when they grow up!” I guess you never know where life will take you. I started out with a plan to work in the medical field and then decided to try an entomology class at University and was hooked! Mosquito science offers the perfect blend of outdoor entomology with a sprinkling of human health. I have been co-owner of a mosquito control company in the interior of British Columbia since 1999 and enjoy the annual challenge of controlling mosquitoes with the rise and fall of the floods. I am also a Registered Nurse, and for the last decade I have worked as a travel nurse consultant, helping clients get vaccines and medications for their upcoming travel. Mosquito borne illness is an important part of travel consultation and it is always fun to throw in fun mosquito facts during travel consults.

I have been a member of the NWMVCA for over 20 years and always look forward to meetings and the chance to catch up with fellow “mosquito people” and to see what is new in the field.


Chris Ocegueda

Chris Ocegueda

I started my mosquito killing career as a seasonal technician then full-time working with Peter Bonkrude out of Shasta County, learning the foundation of mosquito control with boots on the ground and fog in the air. From there I went to Butte County and worked under another titan in the industry Matt Ball, where I was moved into the laboratory and built the indoor aquaculture program breeding mosquitofish for year-round access. After the “Camp Fire” took my home, I relocated my family to Idaho (as all good Californians do) and currently am the Assistant Director to Jim Lunders out of Canyon County. Having worked for three opposite (yes there can be three opposites… I have three daughters that also fit the same description) alpha personalities has given me a well-rounded outlook in what we all do for public health. Outside of work it’s all about the girl’s dance, gymnastics, drama, karate, roller skating, pretty much keeping them involved in anything that distracts them from boys. You will know my daughters are grown when I come back one year looking like Gandolf the gray. I am blessed for the friendships I have made in this industry and look forward to making many more.


Jessica Bushnell

Jessica Bushnell

I am the Broadwater County Weed and Mosquito Coordinator and the MMVCA past president. I have been with Broadwater County since 2018. Before that I graduated from Montana State University in 2007 with a degree in Botany and minor in Weed Science and ran a small commercial applicators business.  Mosquito control is still new to me and I enjoy learning more each season. Broadwater has its unique challenges as the mosquito district doesn’t include the land and waters where the mosquitos hatch!  I also have been busy writing and managing grants for habitat restoration in Broadwater and adjacent counties.  Outside of work, I have four boys, am 4H club leader and project leader, an avid hunter, novice hockey player and semi-professional chauffer.


Kenny Carver

Kenny Carver

After graduating from Eastern Oregon University, I started working in the vector control profession for Union County Vector Control as a seasonal employee in 2005. I than worked for multiple agencies in a seasonal or permanent capacity for the next few years. In 2009, I became the manager for the mosquito control program at Washington County, Oregon, where I am currently.

I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and son. I enjoy coaching and umpiring youth baseball. When my family and I are not on the ball field, we enjoy turkey hunting and sitting around a firepit.





David Beus

David Beus

I started in mosquito control as a seasonal employee at Adams County Mosquito Control (ACMC) in 2003, just after finishing high school.  I only intended it to be a summer job during college, but obviously it became much more than that.  I received a BA in History in 2009 from Brigham Young University and taught high school history for 8 years at Othello High School, while working for ACMC during the summers.  I enjoyed teaching a lot, but knew that if an opportunity presented itself in mosquito control, I would go for it.  The longtime former manager and my mosquito killing mentor, Tom Haworth, retired and I was fortunate enough to get hired for his position beginning in June of 2017.  I love the job and feel very fortunate to be in this position.  My wife, Molly, and I have 4 children and are very happy and content to be in Othello.  I enjoy watching and participating in sports, coaching basketball and tennis at our local high school, and spending time with Molly and our kids. 



The Audit Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Association whose duties shall be to annually examine and audit the books of the Secretary/Treasurer, and to report their findings at each annual meeting.


The Awards Committee shall consist of at least three voting members of the Association. The President shall be a member of this committee. The remaining committee members shall be selected by the Executive Committee.


The By-laws Committee shall consist of at least three voting members of the Association. The Past President shall be Chair of the By-laws-Committee. The President shall also be a member of this Committee.


The Executive Committee shall operate under the guidelines established in Article VII, Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Constitution.


The Legislative Committee shall consist of the State and Provincial Representatives. This Committee will function as a pool for relevant information—emanating from the various agencies (Federal to Local)— that affects the members. This Committee shall report to the Executive Committee.


The Membership Committee shall consist of at least three voting members of the Association appointed by the President.


The Nominations Committee shall consist of four voting members of the Association (with one committee member also being a member of the Executive Committee) who shall, prior to July 1st, submit to the Executive Director their designation of nominations for each office to be filled in the ensuing year, except the office of President, President-Elect, Past President, and the Executive Director. Where nominations are not unanimous, the names of the two nominees receiving the most votes by the Nominating Committee will be placed on the ballot for mailing to the voting membership. All nominations, including write-in candidates, shall carry the consent and assurance that they will serve if elected.


The Program Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Association, and their duties shall be to provide programs for each annual conference. The President-Elect shall be the Chair of the Program Committee.

Public Education

The Public Education Committee shall consist of at least three voting members of the Association appointed by the President.


The Resolutions Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Association, one of which shall be a member of the Executive Committee. All resolutions proposed by a voting member of the Association must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee in writing by July 1st. The Resolutions Committee will finalize and submit the proposed resolution to the Executive Committee—with recommendations—before the annual business meeting. The Executive Committee will then present the resolution to the voting members present at the annual business meeting. A resolution shall pass with a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the annual business meeting.